Anyway am loving it.
I thought I would share some of my books that you can see on the shelves.
I love books relating to fashion and lifestyle and crafts from many years ago and have read all the ones in the library I am now dropping hints to the family of what Id love as presents,Wonder if it will work?This is my collection so far....
This one is "Called Decades of Fashion".I bought it maybe 3 years ago? In a town called Stanthorpe QLD where we lived for 6years.It was all of 50c and I was thrilled to find it as it has fashions from the 1800s right thru to 2000.Wasnt till we moved here (Bundaberg) that I realised that is where the book origianlly resided (stamp from bookshop here inside cover) so it came full circle.
This book was at Salvos last year was $2,50 but it was great as its by Susanna and Trinny of the What not to Wear fame (love watching those shows)Its called "Who do you want to be today" And has all sorts of ways to wear different types of clothing even Vintage.
BTW I LURVE the Boho look.
"Love Vintage" is a beautiful book Written by Nicole of Circa in Melborne.This is her blog,She is one savvy vintage clothing knowing lady.Hope you check her out,She has her book for sale there too.
This was an ebay buy and they still are selling it.Called "Vintage Fashion" its a gorgeous book too.1900s to the 1980s
"Everything Vintage" one of my Carter antique guides I have,(others are in storage and one is on loan) Great resource for seeing what things can go for at antique stores.
And lastly arriving today (held up with floods I bet) was "Sew Retro" has some lovely pics and great vintgae style patterns and has a pocket at back for pattern storage.Can get a copy on ebay or for more info go Here
I have been wanting to share these books for awhile now and since I am on a blogging high I thought Id. share it now
(blogging high? lol )
Oh and mustnt forget my magazines I subscribe to called "Vintage Life" and if you havn't joined Vintage Network social site you may like to.Its where I ordered the magazine from.You can also subscribe to teh digitak version which I did for awhile but love being able to add a hard copy to my collection,I have a few now.
Since I am being camera happy I decided to show you a pic of the inside of my "The Gentle Arts" book I mentioned last post.This is one of many wonderful pictures.Keep an eye out for it.Mine was only $2 yay I will keep an eye out for more too.Would make a great gift.
Been great getting comments, at last I am no longer Nelly No friends, was getting worried for a bit lol, but have had some lovely comments since I fixed it all up.Thanks everyone.
Well over and out I have been busy blogging all day and its after midnight so am blogged out.
Happy treasure hunting
Love the look of the Boho book! I've just joined the Vintage Network, I'm sure it's because I saw the link on your blog. xxx
great desk/storage set up. Love your books. Have you seen the magazine Peppermint ? I recently bought a copy, but gave it away to a friend, so can't show you a pic but it's a great magazine.
I knew you would love the Boho section V.You will have a great read at VN too lots of blogs etc.V there is a US mag called BOHO I picked one up at my oppy awhile ago but they have digital subscriptions too.
Lyndel I read it about that Mag somewhere recently and I think I googled it the.Will go back now and have a look.
Hi Janelle, thanks for visiting my blog and becoming my newest follower. Its nice to meet you :) I will add you to my blog list (my way of following).
Lovely desk, it is perfect for holding lots and lots of treasures.
Hope you enjoy your weekend, Tamara
Lots of lovelies!!
(BTW Notebook magazine is no longer being published)
Those look like great books! I love books that are vintage & books about vintage lol
Thanks for popping by Cross My Hooks!
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