Thursday, July 28, 2011

I am a Feather Head,Really I am!

 Wow two posts in one day but I had to get the word out that Our darling Misfit Sarah  has  put a challenge out to see what non hat related item we could wear on our head.(go see how cute she looked)

Well I couldnt think of anything quick that I could rip out of my hair fast if someone knocked on the door so instead went on the hunt in my crafty bits for something easy and user friendly plus something I didnt have to fuss with and found these....

So with no plan in mind and a fist full of feathers I started jabbing them in and jabbing them in and .....well you get the drift till my head looked like Big Birds cousin had been relieved of his outfit.

Oh Darlink, Dont I look divine?

Go on pucker up and give us a kiss
 Dont come any closer I may bite!

I wonder who else will play?
You dont have to be so tight lipped about it
Cracker?Did someone say "Nelly wants a cracker"?
Oh you  said "Nelly is  a crackpot"?What makes you say that hmmm?
Hope you enjoyed visiting my messy nest.

So now you can come  out and play and link back to Sarah and she will share the fun of  everyone who played  on Tuesday

 Nelly xxx
outfit- heap of Blue velvet fabric roughly thrown around me
crochet top -Forever New $2 all items brought to you by my oppys and my purse.

What still here?Go on! Get .....your hat on!


Vix said...

Oooooh, Nelly, you are a genius! I love that creation. x

Krista said...

How creative!!!! I think I figured out what I am going to do so I will also play!!!!

carole johnston said...

How hilarious,thank you for visiting,my blog is not so exciting as yours but I am so happy you joined in and you made me smile so much I am joining yours.Have a lovely day.

Vintage Coconut said...

AHAHAHA Nelly you really gave me a laugh! My my what a pretty bird you are. NOW SERIOUSLY IF SOMEONE came to the door how easy would it have been to pluck yourself quickly? My guess is.. you would have forgotten a few *heheh*

I am planning on doing this too. Maybe I can get it done today!

Heather said...

lol, very stylish! and goes with any outfit ;)

Unknown said...

See? It's fabulous fun to stick stuff on your head!

Sarah xxx