Monday, January 23, 2012

Movie Star Monday/My Stars of Vintage part 15

Olympe Bradna (born 12 August 1919) More info HERE

 Otto Kruger (September 6, 1885 – September 6, 1974) More info HERE
Olivia Mary de Havilland (born 1 July 1916) More Info HERE
George Orson Welles (May 6, 1915 – October 10, 1985) More info HERE 

Olive Oyl (b-1919 ) More info Here

Ok,ok so she is not a movie star but she is cartoon star and she hasnt aged a bit.

Nelly xxx


Curtise said...

Haha - Olive Oyl, Style Icon, look at her working the block colours and the pose! xxxxxx

Sponge Curlers and Cupcakes said...

Love the Olive Oyl! Good one Nelly. And wasn't Olivia just the prettiest! I adored & will never forget her role in GWTW (who could?!)

Sponge Curlers and Cupcakes said...

Well that was a weird trip to FB. Thought I was on my own page because it's the very same pinup pic I use on my "Twinkle In Time" page on FB and Etsy store as well as my place in Folsom & website & business cards! Had to click on it twice & do a search. I love that pic - we have exquisite taste!

Ruth Kelly said...

Orson Wells was just a kid.