Saturday, October 22, 2011

And the Winners of my giveaway are ......

drum Roll Please oh  But wait...
This was supposed to done yesterday as you all know.But if you saw yesterdays post you will know why I was delayed.

Drum Roll Oh hang on again (mwah ha ha )

I must show case the drawing out hat and the drawing out personage who folded the papers into tiny little squares
 then drew them out one at a time

and now the drums may roll.....

The winners are as drawn out 1-3
penni whos blog is
Penni Pops Designs  woohooo

Vicki whos blog is
An Expat Kiwi Crafter I accidently deleted the pic of this draw after my helper vamoosed

and finally little Miss Em
Our resident
Vintage Sweetheart woo hoo, whistles and cheers.

Now there is a dilemma Vintage Sweetheart and Penni chose the exact same thing.Penni gets 1st choice being the 1st drawee.

 Vicki you also missed out on Simplicity book but get Pattern 1 but what other 3 things would you like maybe a couple other patterns? Let me know.

So Em do you trust me to send you something equally as good or do you want to go and have another pick as well?

Let me know your addresses by end of week .My email is on my profile page and please expect the parcel when your not expecting it.

Kylie you will have Kurt on the way very soon.

To  everyone else thanks for playing and please try again next time which will be when I hit 200

Nelly xxx


Vintage Coconut said...

*Congrats to all the winners*

I thought Grandma Nelly was doing the draw?! *lol*

Hello Vintage said...

Congrats! I was just reading Vintage Sweetheart and see that she is leaving soon (or maybe has left) for her two week trip.

Unknown said...

awww congratulations everyone. have a lovely Sunday Nelly. dee xx

Kylie said...

Thanks for the Kurt Nelly, the husbandido and kidlet will be as pleased as punch x

Unknown said...

Congrats to all the winners - and thank to you Nelly, for yet another very generous giveaway.

Sarah xxx

Sponge Curlers and Cupcakes said...

Standing ovation for the winners! And for your very adorable helper. You're such a sweetie Nell :- )